Building a Life and a Legacy

Welcome to Third Rail Financial, LLC

At some point, your money will need to work for you.  Shouldn’t you have a strategy for all contingencies?  That way no matter what happens, at retirement or even before, you’ll have a well-developed exit plan for all stages of life and a strategy for how to most effectively distribute what you worked so hard to save.

We take a different approach to retirement and risk management.  We believe that saving money is not the same as making money. Using integrated strategies, we help you take advantage of the tax code so that it works FOR you rather than against you. We’ll show you how to build legacy protection, tax-deferred savings growth, and guaranteed income for life.

If your plan doesn’t account for taxes, volatility, AND  liquidity, ask yourself:  why not?

Building a life and a legacy is not about how much you save – but how much you keep. 

Who We Are

We are a full scope retirement and risk management service in Houston, TX with over two decades of experience. 

What We Do

We use integrated strategies that give you the flexibility to focus on the financial outcomes that are most important to you – retirement, legacy, or a balance of both. 

Why We Do It

Because you should be able to keep more of your money for retirement and legacy. The wealthy have used the tax code to their advantage for years –  you can too.

Did you know that if you were to save the way that most people do for retirement, you’ll be fourth in line to get paid?

Did you know that different mathematical principles apply to creating cash flow in your retirement vs. what it takes to build the nest egg that will provide your retirement income?

Did you know that the rules of engagement change when you’re done saving money and want to retire?

Do you want the nest egg you're building to provide you with income once you’re ready to retire?  More importantly, have you ever thought that it is your income that drives your standard of living in retirement, not the size of your nest egg?

Strategic Solutions for
You and Your Family.

What if you could greatly reduce or even eliminate income taxes in your golden years? What if you could leave your family in better financial shape or at least certainly not worse off if you exited early or made it all the way through retirement? What if you could spend all your money without concern over market conditions and still leave a legacy to your family or charity? Many Americans don’t realize the impact that taxes, volatility, and fees can have on their finances today or in the future. We can help.

Increase Your Wealth &
Reduce the IRS’s Impact on It!

The key to increasing wealth, enjoying your retirement, and building a legacy for your family is not about how much you save, but how much you keep. 

This free report shows you:

  • How to escape the tax trap that costs thousands of your retirement dollars.

  • How to create tax-exempt cash flow now and in retirement.

  • How to reduce risk and enjoy gains without the losses.

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