Saving Money

Millions of families made a New Year's resolution to save more money in 2025! But, how do we do it? Times are as tough as ever. We are all looking for ways to lower our bills to make paychecks last longer.

We want to help you to be successful. Saving money doesn't need to be painful! By learning a few simple tricks, you can save little bit here and there to amass the savings you want. Here are some simple money savings tips...

1. Always think in Percents.

Whenever comparing prices of two similar items, always view the price difference in Percent!  So if the prices of two cans of vegetables are $0.95 and $1.00, and you buy the cheaper one…  How much money did you save? $.05! I thought I told you to think in percent?  You saved 5%! Saving ($.05) doesn't seem like much. However, when we think in percents, it makes us want to save. And every cent counts. For example, if you spend on average $500 a month on food, going out, etc... And you save 5% on the full $500 that's $25 back in your pocket!  Make it your little game to see how much you can save!

2. Pay Yourself First.

Let me ask you, if something happened, and your job cut your pay by 5%, or you had a new bill each month for that amount, would you be able to make it?  Of course, right?  You wouldn't have a choice. Then, treat yourself as a bill. If you wait to save 'whatever's left' at the end of the month, you’ll never be able to save. Between our kids, splurges, and everything else, there is never enough left at the end of the month. If you are worried about running out of money, aren't you running out of money anyway?  The trick is running out after you've paid yourself! You have to make saving a priority.   

3. Make it automatic.

Don't tempt yourself, or bother yourself with having to remember to do it.  There is always an excuse not to save. Take the temptation out of your hands. Set up an automatic bank deposit, or payroll deduction. 

4. Set Goals

I know you keep hearing me talk about goals; it is only because I am a huge believer in them.  They are so important because, how do you expect to hit a target you cannot see? Have some short term and some long term goals.  They will help you stay on track and keep you motivated.

Saving money doesn't have to be painful, and doesn't have to come in one big chunk. Start now, start small and watch what it becomes.


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