Improve Your Attitude, Improve Your Life: Part 2
In last month's issue, we talked about improving your attitude by utilizing gratitude, 'choosing happiness,' seeing 'challenges' not problems, and viewing life itself as a journey. Here are the remaining tips...
5. The Cliché Roses
Throughout life there will be times that it feels like life is speeding by and leaving you behind; or it may be that it is too complicated and you can't get centered. Part of that is the new society that has formed from the increase in technology. We want instant gratification, and this has led to an even faster pace than before. It can leave us feeling rushed, and that we can't keep up. The best cure for this is to 'stop and smell the roses'. Sometimes that one simple pleasure will make the world of a difference. It can help restore balance in your life. This doesn't have to be anything big. It could be as simple as closing your eyes and listening to your favorite song, or reminiscing on that one memory of you and your spouse.
6. Be Optimistic
Make it a habit to look for the positive side of everything. If necessary, make it into a private game. You will be surprised at how easy this becomes. This is so critical as it brings to your attention all the things you have to smile about and be thankful for. Your resulting attitude, and life will astonish you!
7. Seizing the Day
I'm sure you have probably heard all of the youngsters these days saying 'YOLO' (You only live once). This is an old adage whose origins date back to Ancient Rome in the form of 'Carpe Diem' (Seize the day). While I am not too proud of the context that YOLO usually applies to; they do remind us a great truth. We only get one chance at this life, so embrace it and make the most of it. Whether that be doing what you love, seeing something majestic, or just having a quiet day with your family. Be happy!
Final Tip:
Life is not always perfect, but it is always what you make it. Make it count, make it memorable and NEVER let anyone (including yourself) steal your happiness!