Seniors Who Walk Together, Benefit Together.
No one likes that dreaded ‘e’ word . . . exercise, but it doesn’t have to be like exercise. Medical studies have proven that walking has been beneficial in lowering ones risk for cancer, increases brain activity and bone strength, and reduces the risk of developing dementia. Walking also promotes a more restful sleep and helps us live longer, healthier lives. It becomes even less of an exercise when you team it up with some of your friends and neighbors. Some communities or senior centers have formed walking groups.
Even though winter is still upon us, one may think it is time to call it ‘quits’ for the time being. Actually, there is a great alternative, mall walking. Many malls throughout the country will open their main doors early for mall walkers. Get your group together to meet or car pool together to your local mall and start walking. It is the perfect place with their level floors, great lighting and safe surroundings. There are even benches located throughout the mall if needed.
Whether you’re walking inside in your local mall or outdoors at your community park, the best part is that ‘after feeling.’ You tend to feel energized and refreshed. That feeling is your body’s endorphins coming alive. Studies show that endorphins act like nature’ painkillers and that is why we get that feeling of ‘well-being’.
Chi Walking is a new form of walking. Chi (pronounced “chee”) incorporates having proper posture, aligning your spine, shoulders, hips and knees. The most beneficial property of chi walking comes from the relaxed, fluid movements. If you are interested in or want more information on chi walking, go to or call 866-327-7867.
Please remember, before you start any form of exercise, including walking, check with your physician first. He can offer helpful suggestions before you begin.